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Workstation Assessments

A workstation assessment analyses computer workstations to assess and reduce the risks to the user.

Employers need to look at:

  • The whole workstation including equipment, furniture and the work environment.
  • The job being done; and
  • Any special needs of individual staff

Whilst it may seem that your workstation is fit for use, a simple workstation assessment will immediately identify potential issues and also methods for preventing discomfort and injury. Take the workstation assessment now.

Why is a computer workstation assessment important?

It is the employers duty to provide a healthy and safe work environment. A workstation assessments for all new employees and for existing employees when there is a change in their working environment will help with this (such as new desks or PC?s, lighting, position or job tasks).

There are also major cost benefits associated with workstation assessment:

  • Employers can conduct workstation assessments for Free!
    Use our online workstation assessment or sign up here for your free workstation assessment information pack, register here.
  • Workstation related illnesses affect nearly ½ million people every year and costs Australian businesses over $10 billion per annum!
  • Australian statistics are scarce but 4.7 million working days in Great Britain (full-time equivalent) were lost due to RSI, (a workstation related illness affecting the neck and upper limbs), in 2003/04.
  • Every day, six people in the UK leave their jobs due to an RSI condition!
  • Ergonomic preventative methods identified and implemented in companies have resulted in significant savings per $1.00 spent on ergonomic products.
  • 80% of people will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives.

Not only are there legal and economic reasons for introducing ergonomic products into your workplace, leading insurance companies are now stipulating workstation assessments as part of their insurance policies, negating them from costs associated with improper workstation usage and subsequent law suits.

Who is responsible?

Employees have a responsibility to regularly review their workstations and inform their employers of any changes or defective equipment. It is also the responsibility of the employer to regularly check workstations to ensure they are providing the right support to their users.

In fact it's not just office workers who need to be covered. Home-workers are just as likely to be affected by workstation related illnesses and have the added responsibility of ensuring their family are protected from workstation related illnesses, such as back pain and repetitive strain injuries.

How often should they be conducted?

For existing employees they should be assessed every 3 years or when there is a change in the working environment, such as new equipment or a change in the users' daily job function.

All new employees should be given a workstation assessment. Fellowes recommend that a workstation should be reviewed every two years or if there is a change in the working environment. This ensures that all equipment is fit-for-use and that any bad habits can be corrected before they begin to affect the user's.